Nobody Move! / Any
Completed January 22nd, 2017
The first line of your film is 'Nobody move!'. After which, no one moves for the rest of your short. Is it a bank robbery and everyone is frozen in terror? or something else? You decide!

"Nice shots throughout the shot. Went over on the time limit, be careful with that. Would have liked to see the main character do something like pull out his book to cheat or something at the end. Everyone did a great job freezing, but make sure to review your shots and retake if necessary. The girl drinking water ..." read more

Avatar deadstrange
Orlando, FL
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Description: "Stevan has created a time stopping device to help him cheat on his final exam."

Submitted: January 9th, 2017

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Self-Preservation"

by America\'s Front Porch

Genre: Any

America's Front Porch19


by America\'s Front Porch

A dangerous situation is brought to a halt.

4 reviews
19 votes

Smack Talk!


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