4:00 / Open
Completed April 22nd, 2006
Something occurs/is going to occur/has occured at either 4:00AM/PM; something very very important and we follow the story of whatever that may be/will be/has been.

"OK well holy crap, a lot has been said about our entry this week! Obviously this was a tribute or homage to one of my favorite TV shows, "24". Special nods to 24 fans: The character "Jill Mason" was named after the CTU boss George Mason from seasons #1 and #2. Lindsay Raines was supposed to be Audrey Raines..." read more

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Detroit, MI
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Description: "Five Clover Films presents "4:00", a filmfights.com tribute to the television show "24". Special thanks to Nick Nettles, Cate Caldwell, Gabrielle Gamache and Vanessa Gray for participating in this filmfight! Hope you like it, Mike M. "

Submitted: April 4th, 2006

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "4:00"

by Five Clover Films

Genre: Open

Five Clover Films138
Zag Yo Productions76
Just Jive23
Clarity Prevails Productions19


by Five Clover Films

Five Clover Films presents "4:00", a filmfights.com tribute to the television show "24". S...

12 reviews
138 votes

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Film Fights Review Show
Hall Of Fame
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John from GMBMS! Sweet, Merciful Crap! I'm so glad you folks liked our piece!...

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