4:00 / Open
Completed April 22nd, 2006
Something occurs/is going to occur/has occured at either 4:00AM/PM; something very very important and we follow the story of whatever that may be/will be/has been.

"An interesting entry, especially with the fish eye lens effect. Your video got kind of stretched out here but that's something that you can easily fix. There was some "air" sound that you might have been able to knock out a little more with some audio work. The dude with the mask is freaking me out!"

Avatar AKLPhilo
Detroit, MI
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Description: "Just Jive Productions just jived out this video. We hope you enjoy."

Submitted: April 5th, 2006

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "4:00"

by Five Clover Films

Genre: Open

Five Clover Films138
Zag Yo Productions76
Just Jive23
Clarity Prevails Productions19


by Five Clover Films

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138 votes

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