4:00 / Open
Completed April 22nd, 2006
Something occurs/is going to occur/has occured at either 4:00AM/PM; something very very important and we follow the story of whatever that may be/will be/has been.

"Another cool entry from F.A.S.T. and a very original concept with the fortune cookies tying into the "stopping" of time. The fade to indicate the passage of time worked well here. I thought the lighting was good in the kitchen as well. His dance at the end was classic. Green screen is cool, I've never atte..." read more

Avatar AKLPhilo
Detroit, MI
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Description: "Imagine how cool it would be if time stopped and you could do whatever you wanted without anyone knowing!!! "

Submitted: April 7th, 2006

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "4:00"

by Five Clover Films

Genre: Open

Five Clover Films138
Zag Yo Productions76
Just Jive23
Clarity Prevails Productions19


by Five Clover Films

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138 votes

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