4:00 / Open
Completed April 22nd, 2006
Something occurs/is going to occur/has occured at either 4:00AM/PM; something very very important and we follow the story of whatever that may be/will be/has been.

"BUMMER running out of beer! I usually have those dreams, but then when I go to the kitchen its reality because I don't have any beer because I'm too lazy to go to the store. "

Avatar AKLPhilo
Detroit, MI
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Description: "Special thanks to Mr. and Mrs Anders Carlson (my sister and her fiance...) for the use of their computer. Thanks Alasdair for helping me out last minute... Thanks to third shifter Derek for staying up in the morning to shoot this. Enjoy! Sorry for being gone for so long.... THE BEST 1:48 of YOUR LIFE!!! "

Submitted: April 7th, 2006

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "4:00"

by Five Clover Films

Genre: Open

Five Clover Films138
Zag Yo Productions76
Just Jive23
Clarity Prevails Productions19


by Five Clover Films

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138 votes

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